Our best dogs

And that's not it! Stay tuned! There are a lot of outstanding dogs in our kennel, both males and females. More information, photos and videos coming soon!

Meadowlake from Russia with Love (Pushkin) Came to us in 2016 from Chicago, from the number one cattery in the USA Meadowlake. Владелец самого знаменитого питомника США Karen Fitzpatrick. Помимо побед в Шоу (ЮныйЧемпион Европы, Интерчемпион, Чемпион НКП бордертерьеров… ) он победитель рабочих состязаний. В последнее время стал Полевым Чемпионом в двух состязаниях САСТ РКФ, породным победителем в четырёх состязаниях разного ранга. При этом Пушкин обладает очень покладистым характером, очень любит людей и других собак. Никогда ни с кем  не дерётся и всегда готов на любой кипишь кроме голодовки😆. В данный момент у Пуши есть щенки от двух разных уникальных матерей. Первая это Гринфери Кола из знаменитого питомника Гринфери, который славится красивыми, рабочими бордер терьерами. В родословной у неё собрана плеяда уникальных собак. Вторая мать наша выпускница Гарденринг Вилд Органик, которая также прекрасно показывается в Шоу, например в На чемпионате Европы в Австрии. Юная Вице Чемпионка Европы. И на серьёзных состязаниях САСТ РКФ заняла второе место. Эти щенки  предлагаются в серьёзные руки для владельцев с амбициями. Litter R and S in the PUPPIES section. (only 4 puppies left)

    The first border of our kennel is our Mangusya, Mixmira Mango. We fell in love with her at first sight when we saw her at Domodedovo airport. If not for Mangus, we would never have become fans of border terriers. And they would not consider this breed the best. Thanks to her, we traveled all over Europe, visited America, China. Our Mangusya Champion of 16 countries, Inter Champion, super working dog with a unique character and temperament. She gave us amazing puppies and now grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Her children and grandchildren live in families with children, engage in various sports, beginnings from wallowing on the sofa to multi-day hikes in the mountains. Mangoose is multifaceted like the universe, a unique dog, she was ahead of her time. But now her children and grandchildren will continue their triumphal march across the planet. We currently have two puppies in the knowledgeable experienced hands of ambitious owners. There was the last puppy from her daughter in the S litter. Female.

Noris in Holland


    Noris. The most titled male of our kennel. In 2013, on July 31, the most beautiful border terrier in the world for me was born. This is our Cedarhill No Excuse Needed. Dear Mrs C. E. Dean (Carol) entrusted me with a unique dog, I'm not afraid of this word. Its uniqueness is in everything. In appearance, in character, temperament. In a year and ten months he became the World Champion in Milan with serious competition. Further World Champion in Moscow. Two-time European Champion and champion of many countries. Finland, Ukraine, Italy, Norway, USA, Slovakia, one CAC left to become British Champion. In addition to beauty, Noris falls in love with his character, he is a true gentleman. He will always let the woman go ahead and will not offend the child. (Joke) He will never do a bad deed, just to not upset you. (And this is serious). If suddenly, quite by accident, he does something that can upset you, then he will suffer, regardless of whether you are angry with him or not. Noris loves to travel very much, travels to any distance. In the Crimea, Italy, Portugal, home in the South Caucasus, it's easy. His descendants live all over the world: America, Europe, Japan, Russia. His beauty conquered the whole world. He has good health, I hope he will please us for many years to come.